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Create your Gallery

Let's get bring your curated articles to your website.

Dylan Czartoryski avatar
Written by Dylan Czartoryski
Updated over a week ago

With your Gallery's theme styled, you are ready to take the final step and select the Collection (and related filters) to ensure the articles you want to show are displayed on your site.

To begin from any screen, click on your account name on the top right corner and then select 'Galleries'. This will bring you to the Gallery Dashboard.

If this is your first time visiting the Gallery Dashboard in your account, you will need to define your site settings.

There are three types of Galleries that can be created:

  • Cards = This Gallery will show the articles within the collection selected in a card style.

  • Carousel = This Gallery will show the articles as an animated Carousel that expands to show the articles as cards when clicked.

  • Multi-carousel = This Gallery will show multiple collections on the same page that expand to show the articles as cards when clicked.

To create a new Gallery, click the 'Add' button.

Enter a name for your Gallery in the box provided. This name is for internal use only and will not be displayed externally on your site.

You will be prompted to select:

  • The type of Gallery you are interested in,

  • The Card and Carousel (where needed) theme,

  • A placeholder image URL, which will display when an article is being displayed that doesn't have an image,

  • The Collection(s) you would like to display,

  • Any additional filters will also be here for you to determine how you want the content to be displayed.

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