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Quickly get up to speed with the terminology used within UpContent.

Dylan Czartoryski avatar
Written by Dylan Czartoryski
Updated over a week ago

Account - This corresponds to where all of your topics, collections, folders, articles, integrations, and team members are housed. Subscriptions are applied to accounts. This is different than your individual user login as an account can have many users, and a user can have access to many accounts.

Activity Log - The menu that allows you to see the notes left by yourself, or any team member by topic, collection, and team member.

AND - The Boolean operator that narrows your search, and tells UpContent to find articles with all terms.

ArtClass - An abbreviation of "Article Classifier", this is the technology we created to determine if a piece of content is a news article or a blog post - made to help you sort through content.

Collection - The “staging areas” for the articles you are curating and, when used with folders, can help to define the workflow you and your team would like to use to ensure that only articles that have met your compliance and brand requirements are distributed.

Content - The catch-all phrase for online media; news articles, blog posts, videos, press releases, and more, that appear on the internet.

Duplicate - Also "copy," this is how you make an identical version of an existing topic.

Gallery - A solution offered by UpContent that allows users to embed curated content from one of your Collections on your own site in an engaging, easy-to-read card format.

Hibernate - When a topic has not been accessed for 30 days, it will automatically slow down the number of times new articles are added to once each 30 day period, instead of twice a day. This is done to save resources so that active topics can load with more speed and reliability.

Influence - A sorting filter available for topics and collections. Influence displays content in order of the most influential sources based on the search phrase.

NOT - The boolean operator which tells UpContent to exclude all included terms in your suggestions.

Notes - Add notes to content for review by yourself or your team members at a later date.

OR - The boolean operator which tells UpContent to include at least some, but not all terms in your suggestions.

Query - Similar to search, this is an instruction you give to UpContent on what articles are of interest.

Relevance - A sorting filter available for topics only. Displays articles in order of most applicable based on the search phrase.

Permissions - May also be referred to as rights. These settings determine the ways in which you can interact with and modify your organization and/or their folders/topics.

Shareability - A sorting filter available for topics and collections. Displays content in order of how interesting it is likely to be to your audience, based on its use of power words and phrases

Source - Another name for website, domain, publication, etc. The name where each piece of content comes from.

Suggestions - The list of content that UpContent provides you based on the criteria of your query.

Team - An organization you create and want to collaborate with others.

Topic - The name you give to your individual searches.

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