A rule will allow you to determine what content does, and does not make it through to your Collections! Rules will be assigned to a Classifier to be included in a Policy which will be assigned to your Collections.
You have the ability on the Classifiers tab in Content Quality to create Rules and to let the system know that it will fail if it matches one rule, or all of the rules.
Create a Classifier so you can begin adding Rules. All Rules that have a value, will have a Field, Operation, and Value.
A Field will dictate which area of the article the Rule is being applied to. The fields are:
The title of the article
All Text
The title, body, abstract, publisher name, URL of an article
Article Body
The written copy of an article
The summarization UpContent and the Publisher that is included
Publisher Name
The publications name
The URL of the original source of the articles
Operations will dictate how the Rule is applied utilizing the Values that have been added. Operations are:
Contains Word
A specific word is contained within the field
The word must be standalone
Does not contain word
A specific word is not contained within the filed
The word must be standalone
Contains Text
Specified text is contained within the field
The text can be contained within other words
Does not contain text
Specified text does not contain the text
The text can be contained within other words
Starts with
The field begins with
Does not start with
The field does not begin with
Has a value
If there is anything input in the field
Note: You are not able to add a value here
Does not have a value
If there is nothing input in the field
Note: You are not able to add a value here
You are able to remove rules from a Classifer, edit the name of the Classifier, and save the Classifier from this same page.