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Filter Views

What exactly is a Filter View, and why is it important to the way you see content?

Dylan Czartoryski avatar
Written by Dylan Czartoryski
Updated over a week ago

Within UpContent, you are able to determine exactly the filters you would like to see applied to each of your Topics, Collections, Power-ups, and more!

How are Filter Views going to make your life easier?

  • Set a list of preferred or excluded publishers ONCE and apply it across all Topics and Collections

  • Ability to share preferred filtration with other members of my team

  • Update a filter in one location and update everywhere that filter is used

  • Visually seeing and interacting with filters that are being applied for automated filtration

Filter Views are created whenever you set specific filters within your Topics or Collections and save them to later be applied to different aspects of your UpContent Collection to make sure you are viewing exactly what you need to see during your content creation experience.

From the content curation perspective, Filter Views will allow you to easily assign filters to Topics, Collections, Galleries, and Power-ups with a single click!

Here's a bit more about the different filtering options available within UpContent:

Filter by Content Type

UpContent uses proprietary machine learning software we've called ArtClass (short for Article Classifier) to determine if the content is a blog piece or news article. You can filter the articles using this classification by clicking on "News" or "Blogs".

Note: The classification of "Blog" indicates that the article is likely to be more opinionated or editorial and is not signifying that the publisher itself is a blog. If you see an article that you think is classified wrongly, you can fix it by selecting a new classification for us and others.

Sorting Options

There are 4 different sorting options: Relevance, Recency, Shareability, and Influence.

You can move between these by selecting them from the sidebar or at the top of your article cards list drop-down menu.

Relevance (Topics Only): Displays results in order of most applicable, based on the topic criteria.

Recency: Sorts results by most recently published, in descending order.

Shareability: Shareability is a proprietary score that we assign content based on its propensity to be shared. Core factors include the presence or absence of an image in the article and the presence of certain words in the title and body of the content that research has linked to higher clickthrough rates.

Influence: Influence is a measure of an article’s ability to drive other content to reference it. We measure influence by defining a network of all of the links in your result set. These measures help UpContent determine which articles are at the center of a particular conversation, helping you find the sources that are leading the discussion - and not just the macro influence of the broad internet.

Added (Collections Only): Your curated articles will appear in the order that they were added to the Collection

Updated (Collections Only): If any changes were made to an article once added to your Collection (editing an image, title, publisher, published date, abstract, an article is favorited, Content type drop-down changed, etc.) will now be sorted in order of most recently updated. If no article is updated within the Collection, Updated will show as Added.

Filter by Published Date

The default time parameter for the articles on any Topic is 60 days while a Collection is Forever. If you'd like to see more recent content or content from a wider range, you can do so by selecting from one of our pre-set options or by entering your own date range to look as far back as one year.

You will also see a checkbox for 'Undated Suggestions'. Checking this allows articles from publishers that did not provide UpContent with a verified publish date to appear. There are a number of reasons why a publisher may choose not to provide a date, so we recommend checking these out as well! Even if no date is provided, your articles will still be filtered based upon the time period you select.

Filter by Source

Sources in UpContent are what we refer to publishers as since they are providing a source for the content that is being discovered and curated. UpContent allows you to filter your results by the publisher from which the content came. You can either eliminate a publisher from your results or view the content solely from that publisher as well as include or exclude new publishers when they're found in a Topic.

To hide articles from a particular publisher, simply "uncheck" the publisher's name from the list on the sidebar or click on the small, grey circle next to the publisher's name on the article card and follow the prompt.

The Include New Sources checkbox will allow Topics to find content from new publishers, allow articles from new sources to be added to a Collection, and in all other places include or exclude sources that were not initially found/used in the Filter View when it was initially created.

Show Filter

Here you can choose to show only Favorited articles or articles that have an image provided by the publisher.

To Favorite an article, you will want to click the "star" button on the article's card. Once you have favorited articles, you can choose to see only the articles you have indicated to be favorites.

You can also choose to show only articles that have images provided by the publisher.

(Note: Has image will only include articles where the publisher has provided an associated image. The ability to display on various platforms will vary depending on the image type and publisher restrictions)

Power-Ups, Collection Sources, and Gallery Specific Filters

Power-ups, Collection Sources, and Galleries will have all of the same filters available that Collections do plus 2 more that are specific to themselves.

Limit: This will allow you to set a numerical limit to how many articles can be displayed in a Power-up or Gallery. (ie. if the limit is set to 5, only 5 articles will appear in the Gallery or email you are sending to your audience)

Offset: This allows you to skip a numerical value of articles that are based upon your sort options. If you need to skip the 1st article in your Collection on your Gallery or Power-up, you would set the Offset to 1.

Limit and Offset are limited to instances when articles will be traveling as a source or outside of the UpContent platform. They will not take effect when assigning a Filter View to a Topic or Collection.

Want to learn more about Filter Views? Check out how to create a Filter View and where/how they are applied to enhance your experience within the UpContent platform!

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